OpenVPN Autoconnect - Using NordVPN

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Setting up NordVPN in Linux - Mint specifically

This is the basics, there is more info at the NordVPN site, Installing in Debian To install NordVPN to run in the background of your Linux install, you can either go to their download page OR follow the following steps:

1. Open a terminal window and download the appropriate file-

sudo wget -qnc

2. Install the package you just downloaded-

sudo dpkg -i /pathToFile/nordvpn-release_1.0.0_all.deb

Make sure to replace /pathToFile/ with the path to your Downloads folder (or other location where the NordVPN file was downloaded).

Example: sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/nordvpn-release_1.0.0_all.deb

You will be asked to enter your root password. Enter it, wait for the package installation to finish, and proceed to the next step.

3. Update the package list-

sudo apt update (or sudo apt-get update)

4. Install the NordVPN app-