Linux - Fixing Cinnamon when it dies

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Sometimes, Cinnamon loses its silly little mind while my screens are turned off...

It can be (mostly) brought back to normalcy from an SSH session into the machine.

The cinnamon --replace process can be sent the HUP signal which will trigger it to restart, thus preserving your open window and running applications.

pkill -HUP -f "cinnamon --replace"

This will take care to send the HUP signal to a process that matches the pattern, "cinnamon --replace". The signal HUP (SIGHUP) tells the process to "Hang Up".

(From Here)

NOTE: Some applications (Looking at YOU Firefox)  cannot seem to put individual windows back into their proper workspaces.

Sometimes, it seems to be the screensaver that's hung.

pkill -HUP -f "cinnamon-screensaver"

Seems to bring it back to life...

BUT: What the hell has died when the cursor follows the mouse movement, but you can't click???