WyzeCam V2

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Wyze Cam V2 (WYZEC2)

Default Login: root:ismart12

Some Links


Steps to actually get the silly thing flashed

  1. Wipe the SD card clean!  (gparted - Device - Create Partition Table)
  2. Create a 512MB FAT32 partition.
  3. Put demo.bin on the root of the card.
  4. Insert the card in the camera.
  5. Power up the camera with the setup button held.  (hold until the light goes back to yellow...)

Setting up the OS

  1. Wipe the SD card clean!  (gparted - Device - Create Partition Table)
  2. Create a FAT32 partition. (Size no longer matters... OS takes ~36MB)
  3. Copy all of the "WyzeCam OS" to this new partition.
  4. Insert the card in the camera.
  5. Power up the camera.

MQTT Monitoring & Control

So far, pretty much all of the MQTT documentation I've managed to find for using the MQTT capabilities I have found by accident... :(

(also: mqtt-control.sh)

In the following examples, the location (TOPIC) is "CamTest" & the device_name (PREFIX) is "WyzeCam" and my local MQTT server is "SkyNet". So, the MQTT topic will start with "CamTest/WyzeCam"


If you really want to watch ALL of the messages sent by the camera...

mosquitto_sub -h SkyNet -t "CamTest/WyzeCam/#" -v

Available Topics:
TOPIC/PREFIX JSON payload with connection info
/leds /blue ON / OFF
/leds /yellow ON / OFF
/leds /ir ON / OFF
/ir_cut ON / OFF
/rtsp_h264_server ON / OFF
/rtsp_mjpeg_server ON / OFF
/night_mode ON / OFF
/night_mode /auto ON / OFF
/brightness ####### Apparently, higher numbers mean darker...
/motion ON / OFF ON = Camera has detected motion
/motion /detection ON / OFF
/motion /tracking ON / OFF
/motion /send_mail ON / OFF
/motion /send_telegram ON / OFF
/recording ON / OFF
/motors /vertical ####
/motors /horizontal ####

Look Here

