WikiServer - Configuring the Wiki
Little snippets of configuration to add to LocalSettings.php...
To add any of them:
sudo vim /var/www/wiki/LocalSettings.php
Uploadable File Types
search for $wgFileExtensions
If you don't find it, you can add it.
on my wiki, it looks like:
######################################### # Uploadable File Types ######################################### $wgFileExtensions = array( 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'pdf', 'epub', 'ino', 'c', 'cpp', 'h', 'zip', 'gz', 'mp3', 'txt' );
You likely don't want ino, c, cpp, h
Open external links in new window
Internal links will always open in parent window. If you want to change that, follow the next setup instruction...
######################################### # Open external links in new window. ######################################### $wgExternalLinkTarget = '_blank';
Assign how links are opened by 'groups'
If you would like to have some links open in the parent window ( '_self' ) and some open in a new window ( '_blank' ), you can identify a link as part of a group (foo or bar in this case) and tell the wiki how the group is to be treated.
Install Extension:LinkTarget by first downloading the file and pasting it into your Extensions folder of your wiki install. Then paste the following into your LocalSettings.php file below the default installed code:
require_once "$IP/extensions/LinkTarget/LinkTarget.php"; $wgLinkTargetParentClasses = ' /*ENTER SOME CLASSES HERE*/ ';
This sets up the extension and creates classes for filtering. Place the following below that:
$wgExternalLinkTarget = '_blank'; $wgLinkTargetParentClasses = array( 'foo', 'bar' ); $wgLinkTargetDefault = '_self';
The above will default all INTERNAL links to open in a new window unless specified like below...In the wiki:
[[This link]] will open in a new window, but not <span class="foo">[[this one]]</span>.
You can change the the default behavior by changing '_self' to '_blank' or vice-versa.
InterWiki Links
######################################### # InterWiki configuration ######################################### // To grant sysops permissions to edit interwiki data $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['interwiki'] = true; // To create a new user group that may edit interwiki data // (bureaucrats can add users to this group) # $wgGroupPermissions['developer']['interwiki'] = true; // delete the comment indicator # as appropriate
See InterWiki Linking for a little bit more detail