IoT - Modular - WiFi.cpp

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#includes, Defines, etc...

 1 #include "libraries.h"
 2 #include "functions.h"
 4 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 5 // These exist because the variables are declared elsewhere in
 6 // the project.  (Specifically, in TopSecret.h)
 7 extern char *WiFi_ssid;
 8 extern char *WiFi_password;
 9 extern char *WiFi_ClientName;
10 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


 1 // Initialize the WiFi
 2 //
 3 // If we don't get a connection, we just keep trying forever.
 4 // Probably be an idea to eventually just give up, but most
 5 // ESP8266 devices are kinda useless without the connection...
 6 void WiFi_init()
 7 {
 8     char debugTEXT[46];
10     WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // Connecting as a STATION
11     WiFi.begin(WiFi_ssid, WiFi_password);
13     // We start by connecting to a WiFi network
14     sprintf(debugTEXT, "Connecting to: %-22s", WiFi_ssid);
15     debug_SectionTitle(debugTEXT);
16     {
17         debug_ProgressBar0();
18         int dotcount = 0;
19         while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) // Give it a bit of time to establish the WiFi connection...
20         {
21             dotcount++;
22             delay(500);
23             debug_ProgressBar1();
24             if (dotcount >= 46)
25             {
26                 debug_ProgressBar2(dotcount);
27                 dotcount = 0;
28                 debug_ProgressBar0();
29             }
30             // SSD1306_Static("  no WiFi  ", 3);
31         }
32         debug_ProgressBar2(dotcount);
33     }
34     sprintf(debugTEXT, "WiFi connected on Channel %-2d",;
35     debug_LineOut(debugTEXT);
36     sprintf(debugTEXT, "IP address: %-15s", WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str());
37     debug_LineOut(debugTEXT);
39     sprintf(debugTEXT, "My name is NOT %-22s", wifi_station_get_hostname());
40     debug_LineOut(debugTEXT);
41     sprintf(debugTEXT, "Really... It's %-22s", WiFi_ClientName);
42     debug_LineOut(debugTEXT);
44     // SSD1306_Static(" WiFi good ", 3);
46     // Add "build_flags = -D DEBUG1" to your platformio.ini to get some extra WiFi stats
47 #ifdef DEBUG1
48     WiFi.printDiag(Serial);
49     sprintf(debugTEXT, "RSSI: %d dBm", WiFi.RSSI());
50     debug_LineOut(debugTEXT);
51     sprintf(debugTEXT, "HostName: %-13s !!!! BULLSHIT !!!!", WiFi.hostname().c_str());
52     debug_LineOut(debugTEXT);
53     // Apparently, the ESP8266WiFi library does not actually support DHCP completely
54     // { }
55     // { }
56 #endif
57 }


1 int WiFi_strength()
2 {
3     return (WiFi.RSSI());
4 }


 1 int blip[3] = {000, 255, 000};  // GRN
 3 void WiFi_Test()  // Is Good...  Maybe
 4 {
 5     if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
 6     {
 7         Serial.println("Oh Poop!");
 8         blip[0] = 128;
 9         blip[1] = 128;
10     }
11     else
12     {
13     if (blip[1] == 255)
14         blip[1] = 0;
15     else
16         blip[1] = 255;
17     }
18 #ifdef d_Pixels
19     SetAPixel(3, blip);
20 #endif // d_Pixels
21 }


 1 int blip2[3] = {255, 000, 000}; // RED
 3 void WiFi_Test2() // Lost WiFi
 4 {
 5     if (blip2[0] == 255)
 6         blip2[0] = 0;
 7     else
 8         blip2[0] = 255;
 9 #ifdef d_Pixels
10     SetAPixel(3, blip2);
11 #endif // d_Pixels
12 }


 1 int blip3[3] = {255, 128, 000}; // ORA
 3 void WiFi_Test3() // lost MQTT
 4 {
 5     if (blip3[0] == 255)
 6     {
 7         blip3[0] = 0;
 8         blip3[1] = 0;
 9         blip3[2] = 0;
10     }
11     else
12     {
13         blip3[0] = 255;
14         blip3[1] = 128;
15         blip3[2] = 000;
16     }
17 #ifdef d_Pixels
18     SetAPixel(3, blip3);
19 #endif // d_Pixels
20 }